Al Arabia industries Arab Medical الشركة العربية للصناعات والتوكيلات التجارية -


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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Al Arabia industries Arab Medical الشركة العربية للصناعات والتوكيلات التجارية

The aim of the policy of the state is to rely on the industry and to replace the import of finished products to the importation of technology, machinery and production lines based on the European and Asian factories and to establish factories within the Arab Republic of Egypt for the manufacture of basic products and an Egyptian strategy. This gives Egypt many advantages that can now count for dozens of reasons for success and progress. , But we will find more important advantages at the beginning of the application and the actual work advantages may not be mentioned, but will impose itself after the application and will astonish the success of the transformation of Egypt from a country depends on the import of most of its needs from abroad - to an economic country It depends on the manufacture of most of the products by its creative sons and Egyptian soil and providing its difficult work is increasing its difference from the Egyptian pound these days, and the coming if the desert of Egypt does not turn into industrial cities by the greatest reach of the technology of European and Asian industries, we stop importing and we prepare to cover the needs of the Egyptian market in preparation for export. For Arab and African countries, God willing.

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