Wadi El Neel شركة وادى النيل للاجهزة الطبية - Medicaspace.com


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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Wadi El Neel شركة وادى النيل للاجهزة الطبية

Currently, we serve more than 400 thousand members all over Egypt across a full range of products and services including both fully-insured and self-funded options group health insurance. We are committed to delivering these products and services to an ever-widening base of customers. Wadi El-Neel has the expertise, the experience, and the ability to craft the new products, the new processes, and the new services needed to make health care more accessible and affordable to all members. Backed by quality, affordability and thousands of satisfied members, Wadi El-Neel Plans offer a smart choice for health insurance coverage for early retirees and families. Wadi El-Neel specializes in offering cost-effective coverage for medical services with a range of deductibles and coinsurances. As an organization, our long-term success depends on the ability to translate our commitment to affordable and accessible health care into real change. We look to four principles to guide us as we strive to provide exceptional value for members, employers, and providers. • Wadi el Neel for medical services is a shareholding company created in 2008 and achieved the ISO certification in 2011 • Since our inception we insisted to be unique in providing our services by co-operating the members ,the employees and the providers, devising solutions that help people enjoy optimal health • At wadi el Neel our goal is to ensure every person and organization by serving them the best quality and the best value for their healthcare • Our long term success depends on the ability to translate our commitment to affordable health-care • Wadi el Neel has the expertise ,the experience ,and the ability to craft the new products ,the new processes and the new services needed to make health care more accessible • Network solution (we provide clients access to the largest national provider network) • Customer services (24 provides examination and treatment by a group of foreign experts that attend wadi el neel hospital regularly • Technology solution (we achieved an effective medical soft ware system through our partnership company Oracle • Wadi el Neel experienced staff works with the clients to design programs that meet`s their cost containment and medical management needs by the organization

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